
Running : A Love Story

How an overweight radio DJ got running, got skinny, kept running, survived a life-threatening tumour and fell in love with running marathons.

Dom Harvey is a hugely popular radio DJ on top-rating station The Edge. He's known for his funny gags, and has been described as a shock-jock.

So it might come as a surprise to find out that Dom is also seriously into running-marathon running. In fact, he loves it.

This book is a love story about running, and about marathons especially. What got Dom into marathons? How did running save his life? And why, despite being an old fart, is he now trying to run even faster than ever before?

Dom is just a regular guy who drank too much alcohol and ate too much shitty food, then fell in love with running and turned his life around (and became a bit of a running nerd along the way).

On the Move The Autobiography of Garth Barfoot

Garth Barfoot is a remarkable New Zealander who has applied his immense determination to achieving success in both the real estate world and the triathlon field. This biography follows Garth’s life-long journey as he tackles the lows and celebrates the highs of business life, relationships and sporting challenges. After qualifying from University, Garth made his way up the ranks of the family real estate business, Barfoot & Thompson. At the age of 30 he became a director and has since overseen the company’s growth to more than 2000 staff. His business success has seen him feature regularly in the NBR’s Rich List, yet his wealth has not altered his lifestyle. Greatly respected within the industry for his strong moral compass and honesty, he still lives in the same family home he bought 44 years ago and regularly donates his time, as well as funds, to charities and sporting events. When he was 56, Garth competed in his first triathlon – he doggiepaddled during the swim and borrowed a bike, but has gone on to compete in more than 30 Iron distance triathlons all over the world, including the iconic Kona World Championship Ironman, and at 77 he is currently the ITU Long Distance World Champion for his age group. Filled with Garth’s tips on leadership and amusing sporting anecdotes this book will ultimately inspire all who read it.
On the Move The Autobiography of Garth Barfoot

Leading From Behind

Winning While Coming Last

Running a marathon isn’t something that comes naturally to newsreader Niva Retimanu. But whether you come first or last, if you complete 42.2 kilometres, you’re still a marathon runner.

Running a marathon isn’t something that comes naturally to newsreader Niva Retimanu. But whether you come first or last, if you complete 42.2 kilometres, you’re still a marathon runner.

In Leading from Behind, Niva tells how she went from overweight, heavy-drinking junk-food fan to motivated, health-conscious marathon runner — and how much fun she’s had along the way. Niva might finish last in her races, but she has kept up her party attitude, sometimes in costume and always trying to cross the finish line in style: hootin’ and hollerin’ and with a broad grin on her face. It hasn’t all been a barrel of laughs though — take that storm in Queenstown, the extra kilometres in Beirut, or the time in New York when she lost the disabled athlete she was meant to be guiding. Life with Niva is never dull.

As well as telling a host of great stories, Leading from Behin

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balance: food, health & happiness 


Respected journalist Rachel Grunwell interviews 30 experts globally to get the best of tips on how to uplift your mind, body and soul so that you can live your best life. Along the way, Rachel also shares her story on how she went from being an unfit, stressed- out investigative journalist and mother, to someone who is now a multi-marathoner and wellness expert who coaches others with fitness and lifestyle plans.

As well as interviews with experts, Balance has 30 recipes for nutrient-dense, delicious snacks and
smoothies, including some sweet treats, because the book is all about ‘balance.’

Balance is a science-based book with the best tips from a variety of experts that will inspire you to move well, eat well, think well, feel well and live well. What are you waiting for? Dip in!

Click on below link to purchase Rachel's book:

balance book by Rachel Grunwell

Short Fat Chick to Marathon Runner by Kerre Woodham


When celebrated radio personality and columnist Kerre Woodham found herself forty, overweight and depressed she faced two choices - do nothing and probably not make it to fifty or do something and get her life back. Fortunately for all of us, and especially those women who like to eat and dress well, she decided to fight back. Leaving kilos of herself and two bra sizes behind 'somewhere in the Waitakeres' she embarked on a fitness and training regime, with a goal to complete the Auckland marathon. to the laugh out loud delight and support of her readers and listeners, she battled her way to fitness and achieved her goal - then decided that she didn't want to stop. With the 2008 New York marathon in her sights, Short Fat Chick documents her life changing decision to get fit and stay fit, eat what she wants and still wear a size 12 dress. With insightful comments and fitness and training tips from her personal trainer, Gaz Brown, Kerre tells it like it is and takes the reader on a journey of self discovery and self discipline we can all admire and emulate.


New York: The Novel by Edward Rutherfurd


A great read for those traveling to the TCS New York City Marathon...

Edward Rutherfurd celebrates America’s greatest city in a rich, engrossing saga, weaving together tales of families rich and poor, native-born and immigrant—a cast of fictional and true characters whose fates rise and fall and rise again with the city’s fortunes. From this intimate perspective we see New York’s humble beginnings as a tiny Indian fishing village, the arrival of Dutch and British merchants, the Revolutionary War, the emergence of the city as a great trading and financial center, the convulsions of the Civil War, the excesses of the Gilded Age, the explosion of immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the trials of World War II, the near demise of New York in the 1970s and its roaring rebirth in the 1990s, and the attack on the World Trade Center. A stirring mix of battle, romance, family struggles, and personal triumphs, New York: The Novel gloriously captures the search for freedom and opportunity at the heart of our nation’s history.

New York Book-327

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